Elaborate on the resistor and beginners understand modules.

The resistor in Printed Circuit Boards :

The PCB manufacturer  will only make contact if you go through the pins to make sure. They’re making contact; as you can see, if there would be no contact move, they’re soldered Securely. Let you try to get a close-up; see that not much as you can; here are the pads. That’s what it’s making contact with when it comes up. If you move it with this, it’ll come up; as you can see, they’re still making contact. The ones that have the most problems with these are the microprocessors.

That you refer to has about 100 to 200 pins going all along every side. Those are in the microns, those pins; when you get a chance, I’ll show you how to re-solder them, and so these are only some of the problems they run into; this is through-hole. If you see these go into the holes, these are holes over here. These are pads, not holes; this is a surface mount. So when small little resistors, if you can show you this is a resistor, this is a resistance just a resistor.

When they go lousy, PCB manufacturers crack, and unless you have a good magnifying glass, you will not pick it up. But when they crack, it’ll crack in the Middle. So, therefore, there is no connection between this one. The one for the resistance is a resistor the black one is a resistor.

The Beginners understand the modules :

PCB manufacturer

The PCB Manufacturer’s tricky part over here is it doesn’t tell you c. So those of you not familiar will be saying this up is this a resistor is this a capacitor Well. That is a transistor, and you see these three points; therefore, that’s what makes it difficult for beginners to understand modules. But first, you must know how to trace the wiring on a printed circuit board before you do anything. This is a transistor; also, this is a through-hole transistor.

This is a through-hole; it has legs that go into it said this is a through-hole chip. It goes through the holes; this is surface mount, as you show; you see the pins go on the pads. These are pads that are the most challenging part of it, but they said it’s not worth cost-effective to troubleshoot on the Bench. These types of things show you a visual inspection of things. That can go wrong; that’s why these are scraps so many times nowadays. So anyway, this is just the beginning of was referring to; let’s go over it. If I get a close-up, you see this point over here; see the Trace.

That is called the Trace; the Trace is going from here to here. That’s a trace; that’s a connection; this is a trace. From here to here, you see there’s light green. That means there’s a connection; you see the dark green between these two. There’s no connection to see the dark green; there’s no connection from here to here. The only connection is from here; see these points over Here. A dark green around it means it’s not connected to this, whatever this is connected to the Trace. If you said here is a trace, it’s connected to this point; wherever it’s connected to, here is a trace. Let’s try to get a good one; here is a trace; if you follow it, this is a thin shape of a Trace. As you said, it’s not easy when you’re beginning to do printed circuit boards on the surface mount.