Describe the potential and legal restrictions for flat roof repair in Bristol.

Potential of flat roof repair Bristol :

One of the questions they’ve asked for flat roof repair bristol  is hoping the zoning folks can help us. They have the easement coming from the high school; they have an easement potentially for the power line running to the power pole from GMP, although not indicated here. If you assume that Valerie’s lease agreement with the solar folks will also include some language about site access through this zone, correct? So they need to pay attention to encroachment on the pine street right-of-way easement setback, whichever this is determined to be; this is a little bit of, you know, from what they were able to uncover a little. There’s some history to be uncovered regarding precisely what’s legally set up here.

flat roof repair bristol

In some respects, it’s a moot point in that the town owns both parcels and sets the flat roof repair Bristol requirements for these setbacks and easements. So the town has some leeway about how they want to configure this in the future, but in terms of our understanding of what’s a current restriction or not, there’s a little more homework to be done now. They assume they’re following the pine street front yard setback requirements. So we’re showing a line which is the most stringent of the requirements. What they’ve seen so far is to measure a point theoretically at the center of the pavement and offset that 40 feet in either direction.

There is a side yard setback with the property, extending over the wrecked path. They need to pay attention to that outlined in this salt shed pit border. They would also have to pay attention to the setbacks and the salt shed pit; what governs here is more the topography than the setbacks. So they’re showing here you can see these topography lines and outlined them here and in further diagrams. What they consider to be the bottom of that pit or the toe of the slope, and where that toe and where might be should these piles be relocated.

Legal restriction for flat roof repair Bristol :

Its flat roof repair Bristol more determines you know the developable area in this on this parcel. So on the upper plateau of the upper parcel, they were bordered obviously by some of the legal restrictions by the septic field location and by, to a large extent, the topography. Over the years, this bank drops off rapidly to a height of almost 60 feet. There’s anecdotal evidence and some evidence in the septic test pits that were done during the construction of the gray Garage. That a lot of this, at least to a depth of four to five feet, is uh fill a lot of it is not what they would consider suitable for conventional foundations and the extent of that and how bad that situation gets as you move out towards. The bank is still to be determined; it’s one of the project’s more critical questions; the line they’ve drawn here is theoretical. It has to do with some anecdotal evidence they had about the settlement at the great Garage when this was built; about a half to a third of it is experiencing some minor settlement on the end from what they think was being constructed over poorly compacted fill.